4669 Teaching Jobs

Online applications are hereby invited from willing and eligible candidates who are working as Additional (Contractual) Teacher under Secondary Education, Assam through the official website of DSE, Assam, i.e. https://madhyamik.assam.gov.in for filling up of 4669 (Four thousand Six hundred Sixty Nine) in the initial Pay of Pay Band-2 (PB-2) @Rs. 14,000/- to Rs. 70,000/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 8700/- p.m. and other allowances as admissible as per “The Assam Services (Revision of Pay) (Amendment) Rules, 2019”.

Conditions of Recruitment:

1. The Regularized teachers shall be provided Basic Salary with admissible allowances and first increment be given only after one year of regularization of services satisfactorily.

2 The posts will be prospective in nature. No pay protection for past work can be claimed.

3. No Provident fund support of any kind shall be admissible.

4. State NPS contribution only shall be provided. At no stage, any claim for OPS from these posts shall be considered

5. The candidate must be working as Additional (Contractual) Teacher and must have completed 5 years of continuous services as on 31.10.2024.

6. The eligible candidates shall apply online in the official website of DSE, Assam i.e https://madhyamik.assam.gov.in from 11:30 A.M. of 02.12.2024 to Midnight of 08.12.2024.

7. The Candidate has to provide his/her Siksha Setu ID of his/her present school to proceed.

8. The Name and School UDISE are pre-populated.

9. No offline applications shall be accepted in this regard.

10. The Director of Secondary Education, Assam reserves the right to cancel or postpone the recruitment at any state without assigning any reason thereof.

11. The candidate shall apply in the same category of post that he/she was holding as Additional (Contractual) Teacher.

12. Corrigendum/addendum, as and when required, shall be published in the official website of DSE, Assam at https://madhyamik.assam.gov.in.

13. No such special recruitment drive will be carried out thereafter.


Attention to Applicants: All the candidates are requested to visit the official website of DSE, Assam at https://madhyamik.assam.gov.in as all the further information/ updates related to recruitment will be provided in the DSE official website only.

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